Entertainment in Peterborough
1911: This Saturday's programme at the Electric Theatre included 'Special Graphicos' containing the latest events, including Tottenham Hotspur v. Middlesbrough; the Cambridge Boat Race crew in training; a collision between the steamships Alemonia and Isleman; a major railway smash in France and the capture of some bear cubs. The were also offering ' A Wife's Romance' and 'Rough Weather Courtship'! Looking ahead to the following week, they had a Grand Special on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of 'The Air Pirates of 1920' and a 'wonderful' picture depicting 'A Battle of the Future'. How much would all this cost you? Well, for the 2.30 p.m. matinees and 6.30 p.m. performances there were seats at 3d, 6d, and 1s. The Saturday afternoon children's screenings were twopence. In this same issue of the Peterborough Standard was a plea by the Peterborough Woman's Unionist Association for the women of Peterborough to 'not fail to come and hear the celebrated Lantern Lecture on South Africa by Councillor A.R. Atkey of Nottingham at the Drill Hall on Thursday next, February 21st at 8 p.m.' Having clearly stated that 'All are welcome', the advertisement added a caveat that it was a 'Women Only' event!
Taken from The Peterborough Book of Days by Brian Jones, The History Press, 2014.